Devon Community Composting Network
Welcome to the Devon Community Composting Network (DCCN) Website. Sadly DCCN is no longer funded by the local Authorities after 20 years due to cuts. DCCN has been involved for years at looking at community composting, and has also found a specific niche in composting food waste – from pioneering work done with Proper Job in Chagford – through to developing compost systems with the Compost Doctors.
Nicky is a director of the Devon Community “Resource” Network or DCRN (formerly Recycling) and we hope to find funding to continue this work.
Nicky and Melissa continue to be involved with Growing Devon Schools Partnership and are also seeking funding to continue this valuable work, involved with helping schools to connect with learning outside the classroom on growing, cooking, eating and composting. Nicky is also available for talks and consultation with his Dr Compost persona!
Why is composting such a vital topic? From gardeners to governments it is on the agenda. We all hate to see wastage of valuable resources, and it is rare to find a gardener who has enough compost! What could be simpler than diverting some garden clippings or food waste, otherwise destined for landfill or Energy from Waste, to make compost. Saving all that pollution and at the same time improving local soils and sequestering carbon. The mandatory waste reduction targets and the Kyoto protocol on carbon emissions, are two of the many good reasons why Devon Local Authorities supported community composting for so many years.
Also see for Devon wide recycling and waste information